Clínica CPRO

6 de jun de 20211 min

The importance of a correct Oral Hygiene:

Atualizado: 21 de mar de 2023

1.Protection of teeth and gums from the onset of diseases such as cavities and gum
inflammation (gingivitis);

2.Prevention of bad breath and "darkening" of the teeth;

3.Preserve masticatory, phonetic and aesthetic functions;

4.Provide a healthy smile, well-being and self-esteem.



When should I schedule an appointment?

The frequency of consultation must be annual. However, there are situations that may require a bi-annual control.



Which are the most common products I should use in my oral hygiene?

-Toothbrush (manual or electric) 2x a day;

-Fluoride toothpaste;

-Dental floss;

-Interproximal brushes;



The correct technics and motivation of the patient must be emphasized by the Dentist.



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